Monday, April 14, 2008

A few more little things

First of all, Erica in San Francisco pointed this out on the listserv we're both on, and I just have to say that THIS is why I really, really love San Francisco. Never let it be said that embittered leftists don't have a sense of humor:

Okay and the other thing is that I put a bunch of pictures up on the internet (after a whole bunch of hemming and hawing cause I am not exactly "tech-savvy", to say the least). So I don't know if this link will work or not, but I think so, so give it a shot if you've got a few minutes to kill:

And finally, last but not least, if you are a California voter, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be sure to vote in the upcoming summer elections to say NO to the repeal of rent control. If this legislation gets overturned, me and basically everyone I know in SF will be homeless, and I am not even exagerrating at all. It really is just like that. My landlord has made it crystal clear that she wants to up the rent once I leave, since she won't let anyone else on my lease, as that would guarantee them the same rate I'm getting (which, at nearly $2,000 a month, isn't exactly a steal as it is).
Anyway, climbing down from the soapbox now, so yeah, that's all...

xoxo, Pike

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